We Are Their Voices, Inc. is a nonprofit organization founded by Tisa Whack and Chandra Bryant--two phenomenal mothers brought together by the tragic and senseless murders of their sons.
Chandra’s son Shaquille and Tisa’s son Tyrell were murdered just a block away from each other and both of their sons lost their lives at the hands of senseless gun violence. Both of these young men were their mother’s only child and both left behind children who will never have the opportunity to know their fathers.
Through their shared tragedy and loss, Tisa and Chandra formed a sisterhood of support that helped each other cope with their grief and loss.
This sisterhood of support spilled out into the community with both women extending their assistance, comfort, support, love and knowledge to help others who are victims of gun violence or who have lost loved ones due to gun violence.
As Tisa and Chandra became more and more involved with assisting these individuals and families, this sparked the realization that someone had to be the voice of victims who lost their lives due to gun violence, who could no longer seek justice for their murders or speak out to stop gun violence. Someone had to be the voice of their sons Tyrell and Shaquille, who are no longer alive, in order to spark the change needed to make a difference and end gun violence. Someone had to speak out and offer preventative support and services to deter young men and women from becoming involved in a lifestyle that would result in them either senselessly murdering or being murdered at the hands of gun violence. These women decided to be that voice and We Are Their Voices, inc. was born.

Meet The Board

Tisa Whack

Chandra Bryant
Vice President

Faleshia Jones
Board Member

Andrea Hampton-Mills
Board Member

Tiffany J. Takacs
Board Member