We Are Their Voices Scholarship
We Are Their Voices, a local nonprofit whose mission is to create awareness and communication among young adults and our community on the impact of gun violence, is very excited to announce our 5th annual scholarships to High School seniors in Dorchester Districts 2 and 4 which include Summerville High School, Fort Dorchester High School, Ashley Ridge High School and Woodland High School.
Eligibility Requirements:
In order to participate in the scholarship applicants must meet the following criteria:
Accepted to attend a college, university, technical or trade school (including welding, HVAC, electrician, cosmetology and barber) during the fall of 2024.
Have a current GPA of 2.5 or higher (copy of transcript required)
Provide your 500-word essay in PDF format on “The Effects of Gun Violence” and how you plan to be a voice in efforts to reduce gun violence by March 15, 2024.
There will be four (4) Scholarships awarded for $250 each, with a winner from each school selected on April 06, 2024. Scholarships will be presented on or after June 3, 2024.
All applications to include essays, which must be submitted separately (in addition to the online application) to wearetheirvoicesxoxo@gmail.com by 11:59 EST on March 15, 2024. Any question can be e-mail to wearetheirvoicesxoxo@gmail.com
Tisa Whack & Chandra Bryant
We Are Their Voices, Founders